june, 2019
05junalldayANSER Conference Vancouver, BC, Canada

Event Details
(From ANSER newsletter, November 12, 2018) CALL FOR PAPERS ANSER/ARES 2019 CONFERENCE Nonprofits and the Social Economy: Circles of Conversation Twelfth Annual Conference & Celebration June 5 to 7, 2019 University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada Proposal Submission Deadline:
Event Details
(From ANSER newsletter, November 12, 2018)
Nonprofits and the Social Economy: Circles of Conversation
Twelfth Annual Conference & Celebration
June 5 to 7, 2019
University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 21, 2019
ANSER/ARES is a dynamic growing association that is organizing its twelfth annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. ANSER brings together leading academic researchers, students, practitioners, consultants, policymakers and community organizations from Canada and internationally to discuss current and emergent issues, debates and challenges in the fields of civil society, social economy, and nonprofit research and practice. Join us for what promises to be an engaging and provocative conference. The theme for the twelfth conference at University of British Columbia isNonprofits and the Social Economy: Circles of Conversation, a theme that aims to connect with community and support partnerships for shared knowledge exchange.
The conference is an opportunity to welcome and explore the power of ideas to connect people and communities, encourage discussions and debates and to create knowledge and change. Within this context, nonprofits and other social economy organizations are well poised to lead these discussions. We invite you to submit proposals for individual papers, panels, or roundtable discussions that fit into any of the following areas, broadly defined:
- Nonprofits
- Social Economy
- Management and Leadership Education
- Co-operatives and Credit Unions
- Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurship, & Social Innovation
- Community Economic Development & Community Organizing
- Volunteering & Citizen Engagement
- Collaborations, Partnerships & Mergers
- Communication, Networking & Digital Media
- Finance, Governance & Management
- Research Methodologies & Community-University Research Partnerships
- Public Policy & Government Relations
- Theoretical Perspectives
- From Research to Practice
We also accept proposals of wider relevance, which may not fit the categories listed above. We welcome papers, panels and roundtables involving collaboration between academics and practitioners.
Submission and Decision of Proposals
Proposal abstracts, in either official language, must be submitted by email in one PDF or Word attachment on or before January 21, 2019 to anser.ares.conference@gmail.com. Detailed instructions on the requirements of the proposal can be found at: http://www.anser-ares.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2019-ANSER-ARES-Call-For-Proposals.pdf
Any questions can be directed to Micheal Shier at anser.ares.conference@gmail.com or m.shier@utoronto.ca.
All proposals will be subject to peer review and notification of acceptance will be provided by February 25, 2019. Presenters will be required to confirm their participation by submitting their conference registration fee no later than April 15, 2019.
Conference Information
Participants in the ANSER/ARES 2019 Conference should register through the website of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (https://www.congress2019.ca/register). There is a reduced fee for early registration by March 31, 2019. There are two fees to be paid, one for the Congress registration AND one for a one-year membership in ANSER/ARES. When registering, you also have the option of selecting the annual banquet in the evening of June 6, 2019 for an additional fee.
More information is available from the ANSER/ARES website (www.anser-ares.ca). The Congress website (https://www.congress2019.ca/) also includes information on accommodation, discounts for travel, and local information.
2019 ANSER/ARES Program and Conference Committee
Micheal Shier, University of Toronto (Program Chair)
Trina Isakson, independent researcher/consultant (Local Area Coordinator)
Alexandra Gardner, Imagine Canada
Jack Quarter, University of Toronto
Laurie Mook, Arizona State University
Jorge Sousa, University of Alberta
Paloma Raggo, Carleton University
june 5 (Wednesday) - 7 (Friday) pst
University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada