may, 2022

Event Details
John Restakis of Synergia Co-operative Institute will be speaking on "Civilizing the State: Reclaiming Politics for the Common Good" Thursday, May 12, 1pm EDT As part of the Canadian Association for Studies
Event Details
John Restakis of Synergia Co-operative Institute will be speaking on “Civilizing the State: Reclaiming Politics for the Common Good”
Thursday, May 12, 1pm EDT
As part of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation Conference
JOHN RESTAKIS is a co-founder of Synergia Co-operative Institute and Instructor for Alternative Economies for Social Transformation at the University of Victoria. He is former Executive Director of Community Evolution Foundation and former ED of the BC Co-operative Association in Vancouver. He consults on international co-op and community economic development projects, researches and teaches on co-operative economies and the social economy, and lectures widely on globalization, regional development, and alternative economics. He is a founding member of the Advisory Committee for the MA Program in Community Development at the University of Victoria and was co-founder and Co-ordinator of the Bologna Summer Program for Co-operative Studies at the University of Bologna. John earned his BA at the University of Toronto with a Major degree in East Asian Studies and specialist studies in Sanskrit and Classical Greek. He holds a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion.
(Thursday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT