june, 2022
16junalldayCo-operative Housing Federation of Canada's Annual Meeting and Conference

Event Details
Check out CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting website: Halifax, June 16-18 Registration scheduled to launch March 1 Today, we launched the event website with information about the schedule and
Event Details
Check out CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting website:
Halifax, June 16-18
Registration scheduled to launch March 1
Today, we launched the event website with information about the schedule and content so you can start making your plans and bookings.
Registration and workshop selection is set to launch March 1.
In accordance with provincial regulations, we will require proof of vaccination, masking and distancing to ensure the safety of all.
We suggest you make any travel and accommodation plans with as much flexibility as possible, because the pandemic situation is evolving and as much as we are hoping for an in-person event, if things deteriorate or local rules shift, we may need to go virtual.
We will continue to watch the Covid-19 situation very carefully and will announce if there’s any change in plans. If the event is cancelled, or if participants need to cancel due to illness, we will offer full refunds.
We remain hopeful that things will continue to improve so that we will be able to gather together again this spring to learn, network and advocate for co-operative housing.
june 16 (Thursday) - 18 (Saturday) ADT
Halifax Convention Centre
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada