july, 2021
20julalldayWorld Council's Young Credit Union Professionals Virtual Conference (free)Bridge the Gap

Event Details
This year's World Council of Credit Union's World Council's Young Credit Union Professionals (WYCUP) Virtual Conference is free and open to anyone around the globe who wants to attend (supported
Event Details
This year’s World Council of Credit Union’s World Council’s Young Credit Union Professionals (WYCUP) Virtual Conference is free and open to anyone around the globe who wants to attend (supported by the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions). Join any or all of the 3 open sessions to happen July 20. WCUC registration is not required for this event, however, these events are held in conjunction with the World Credit Union Conference (WCUC). Learn more at wcuc.org
9:00am CST – Global Perspectives on Professional Journeys: Inspiring a Career with Financial Cooperatives.
Inspiration comes in many forms. At WYCUP, we are inspired by professional journeys that celebrate cooperation and collaboration. We are inspired by young people who have been empowered through financial cooperatives. And we are inspired by young professionals who are applying their talents to a brighter future for everyone.
Join us as a panel of YP leaders from across the Americas, Europe and Africa demonstrate how YPs connected through WYCUP are making a global impact. And don’t miss the announcement of the 2021 WYCUP Scholarship recipients during this global celebration of emerging leaders!
Register for only this one here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpcuqspz0vE9FFLtADriQGmV5VmXwYdZoW
12:00pm CST The Co-operative Bootcamp: Become Fluent in Your Unique Business Model & the Credit Union Brand
This interactive bootcamp will dive into important conversations for credit union leaders & aspiring leaders. What does it mean to be fluent in co-ops and credit unions? Get comfortable and conversational about the credit union brand. Deepen your pool of responses to the question: “What is the credit union difference?” If you work with staff, members, in marketing or governance, the language we use to talk about our CUs and our priorities impacts everything we do. This session will bring clarity as participants define their unique value proposition and build fluency in sharing about their credit union/work.
Presenter: Erin Hancock, Program Manager, Co-operative Management Education, International Centre for Co-operative Management, Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Register for only this one here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kfuGgrzssH9OvFrjqsj2e_j4odTaNaa7n
4:00pm CST A Question of Relevance: Redefining the Relationship between Youth and Financial Cooperatives
While digital financial services are essential, credit unions can do more to increase their relevance with youth. We can be more intentional. We can invest more. We can be a force for empowerment. We must do more; our future depends upon it.
The great thing is – young people already love us, they just might not know it yet! In this session WYCUP will highlight one of the leading programs for empowering youth through financial cooperatives. Join us an hear how Sicredi in Brazil is successfully applying its cooperative soul to youth empowerment and in the process, redefining the relationship between young people and financial cooperatives.
Register for only this one here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkdeCrpzwoHdZA3FgyioQVceqUiBGRYswU
All Day (Tuesday) CST