Exploring cooperative legislation at regional level – Reports from the ICA

#coops4dev releases four new regional reports as part of the ICA-EU Partnership’s Legal Framework Analysis (LFA) research. Produced collaboratively by the ICA Regional Offices and experts of the research activity, the reports provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of cooperative legislation at regional level, as well as specific recommendations to support an enabling environment for cooperatives.

The regional reports complement and build upon the 79 national reports which assess the state of cooperative law at national level and provide a strong knowledge base for ICA members and stakeholders. The regional reports take the analysis one step further by identifying regional trends and common challenges which will be helpful to support the future development of an enabling environment for cooperatives.

Learn more on the LFA regional reports here.

The results of the research were also presented at the 3rd International Forum on Cooperative Law (28-30 November 2021), as part of the World Cooperative Congress which took place from 1-3 December 2021 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

(Text from International Co-operative Alliance newsletter, November 24, 2021)
February 29, 2024