Starting in 1991, Grassroots Economic Organizing edited and printed a bi-monthly publication called GEO Newsletter, providing news, analysis and an open forum on grassroots organizing to build and finance worker- and community-owned, democratically run, solidarity-based, ecologically sustainable enterprises and organizations. In 2007, due to the increasing challenges of print publication and our desire to reach a wider audience, we shifted to an all web-based publication here at www.geo.coop. English.
August 14, 2019
- activism
- anti-oppression
- articles
- beyond capitalism
- care
- collective
- communication
- community
- cooperators
- Cuba
- culture
- democracy
- democratic collective
- dialogues
- economic democracy
- economic solidarity
- education
- enterprise facilitation
- fair trade
- food system
- globalizatiton
- grassroots globalization
- ideas
- inter-cooperation
- intercooperation
- new paradigm
- nursing cooperatives
- peace
- reports
- self-conscious movement
- solidarity economy
- stories
- sustainable
- terrorism
- urban agriculture
- women
- worker cooperatives
- youth