HEC Montreal – CoopGateway

Thanks to a major donation by Desjardins Group to the Campus Montréal campaign, the Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins International Institute for Cooperatives of HEC Montréal was created in 2014. Its purpose is to understand and promote the place and role of cooperatives in the economy and society and, in doing so, to shed more light on management practices, policies and actions required in the future to promote the identity of cooperatives and ensure their development.

“Cooperatives Gateway” gives you access to 13,000 documents in 17 languages from 43 countries on a single platform. Nearly 500 authors and experts on co-operatives. 100 years of history. Extensive collections that are in constant evolution. Advertises that it is largest co-op collection in the world. Centred around collections from institutions and corporations, with the largest coming from Desjardins (3500 documents).   Must create a User ID to enter.

Language: English, Francais, Espanol