Association for Non Profit and Social Economy Research (Non Profits and the Social Economy: Northern Relations)

may, 2021

27mayalldayAssociation for Non Profit and Social Economy Research (Non Profits and the Social Economy: Northern Relations)


Event Details

Nonprofits and the Social Economy: Northern Relations

Fourteenth Annual Conference & Celebration

May 27-29, 2021

Convened Virtually

Proposal Submission Deadline: January 31, 2021

ANSER/ARES is a dynamic growing association that is organizing its fourteenth annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. ANSER brings together leading academic researchers, students, practitioners, consultants, policymakers and community organizations from Canada and internationally to discuss current and emergent issues, debates and challenges in the fields of civil society, social economy, and nonprofit research and practice. Join us for what promises to be an engaging and provocative conference. The theme for the fourteenth conference convened virtually is Northern Relations. The conference is an opportunity to welcome and explore the power of ideas to connect people and communities, encourage discussions and debates and to create knowledge and change. Within this context, nonprofits and other social economy organizations are well poised to lead these discussions.

We invite you to submit proposals for individual research papers, panels of research papers, or roundtable discussions that are thought-provoking and that fit into one of the following areas, broadly defined:

●Conference theme: Northern Relations●Nonprofits and Volunteer Organizations●Social Economy●Management and Leadership Education●Co-operatives and Credit Unions●Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurship, & SocialInnovation ●Community Economic Development & Community Organizing ●Volunteering & Citizen Engagement ●Advocacy & Social Movements●Collaborations, Partnerships & Mergers ●Communication, Networking & DigitalMedia ●Diversity & Inclusion●Finance, Governance & Accountability●IndigenousPerspectives in the Nonprofit Sector and Social Economy●Leadership & Management●Research Methodologies●Community-University Engagement●Public Policy, Government Relations & Contracting●Theoretical Perspectives ●Knowledge Transfer & Mobilization●Other

Annual Conference


may 27 (Thursday) - 29 (Saturday) EDT

