may, 2022
31mayalldayDeadline to apply for online, part-time co-op business programs

Event Details
Apply by May 31. The International Centre for Co-operative Management (Sobey School
Event Details
Apply by May 31.
The International Centre for Co-operative Management (Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s) offers part-time, online degrees in Co-op and Credit Union Management. Applications are open until May 31. Join leaders from around the world who are deepening their co-op knowledge while expanding their network.
What Graduates Say
- 100% of graduates surveyed would recommend their program
- 98% said their education provided knowledge and tools to improve the social, economic and environmental performance of their co-operative organization
- Nearly 80% said the program significantly changed how they see, think about and do their jobs
More student and graduate testimonials here:
Visit the website for more details on the programs and the application process:
All Day (Tuesday)
International Centre for Co-operative Management, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS, Canada