Facilitation Class (3 Sessions)

january, 2020

15jan1:00 pm3:00 pmFacilitation Class (3 Sessions)Sociocracy training


Event Details

Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, 2020, Wednesdays, each 1pm Eastern/18 UTC Eastern time/19:00 Central Europe.

This is a 3-session introduction class to facilitation and decision making in sociocracy. It covers basic concepts with many examples. All sessions are participatory with time for questions and answers. The classes will be taught by Ted Rau, co-founder and staff member of Sociocracy For All.

  • Session 1: Preparing agendas that work; rounds
  • Session 2: Clear decisions and addressing objections
  • Session 3: What if we have to change our plans? Time-keeping, emotional distress, conflict in meetings.

All events will be held on zoom (a video platform). You will receive the zoom link after registration.

There are tickets available at a reduced rate. Please send a paragraph describing your need to ted@sociocracyforall.org.


(Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
