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  This learning path contains resources geared towards college and university-level educators.  For professors new to co-ops, the path provides …


  This learning path contains resources geared towards college and university-level educators.  For professors new to co-ops, the path provides a background about co-op education and information about the main organizations that make up the co-op research community.  For those experienced in the co-op academic landscape, we hope this can serve as a space to share resources and improve upon your teachings through collaborating with others.   The "curriculum" below provide resources in a series of categories: 1.) Associations, Conferences, and Journals are lists that provide information about the main organizations associated with co-op related teaching and research. 2.) Colleges, Universities, and the Higher Education Landscape offers background and summary of the Higher Education Landscape in North America - described through various themes by the most comprehensive and up-to-date publications and presentations. (These also include information about university and college level programs and courses that are available.) 3.) Online Libraries and Resources lists all of the top online academic libraries and descriptions of their contents.   We are currently in the process of locating more content for the following categories: 4.) Reading Lists or Bibliographies (two available) 5.) Syllabi or Course Outlines (none). We invite you to visit our News Page in order to see existing compellations of teaching materials. 6.) Case Studies (none) 7.) Anecdotes and Tips about Creating and Teaching Co-op-related Courses (none)    

If you have any questions or suggestions about the content found within the Post Secondary Path, or any new material to offer, please contact Amanda Solmes:

We look forward to your submissions and feedback!