This “Library of Libraries” is a compilation of the top resource collections found among the co-op community. The links you will find here have been included for their breadth or originality and are organized alphabetically.
Co-operative Studies Collection – University of Saskatchewan

Approximately 6,000 items consisting of a variety of resources including student theses; copies of the Centre’s publications; serials; articles, newsletters, magazines, pamphlets, and short research articles related to co-operatives; audio visual materials; and books. Focusing on the topic of co-operatives from social, political, economic and historical points of view.  Both

Co-operatives First

For those in Western Canada, rural, or Indigenous populations, this great resource offers basic tools to get your co-op started.  Offering 4 strong resources: A “Good Governance Matters” online course; a “Creating Connections” workshop to help interested parties explore co-operatives; access to “Common Share” podcasts; and use of the “Co-op

Co-operatives for a Better World

30+ training materials.  Provides a number of methods for improving your co-op and community engagement, as well as templates to make your co-op operations as efficient as possible.  Content is available in English, Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish. is a robust resource offering a number of in-depth pages categorized by type of co-op, legal topic, or State regulations.  It is a collection of original content with links to supporting resources.  Content is available in both English and Spanish.

Coady International Institute, St. Francis Xavier

Comprehensive set of resources through 4 areas: the Marie Michael Library, Coady Publications, Digital Tools/Multimedia Resources, Coady Extension Digital Collection. The Marie Machel Library offers access to numerous online journals with hundreds of relevant publications, links to courses with full reading lists, and Practical Action e-books.  English.