This “Library of Libraries” is a compilation of the top resource collections found among the co-op community. The links you will find here have been included for their breadth or originality and are organized alphabetically.
Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO)

Starting in 1991, Grassroots Economic Organizing edited and printed a bi-monthly publication called GEO Newsletter, providing news, analysis and an open forum on grassroots organizing to build and finance worker- and community-owned, democratically run, solidarity-based, ecologically sustainable enterprises and organizations. In 2007, due to the increasing challenges of print publication – Starting a Co-operative

10 guides to founding different types of co-operative enterprises.  Canadian content.  A small but growing library with well laid out and very useful guides.  English.

HEC Montreal – CoopGateway

“Cooperatives Gateway” gives you access to 13,000 documents in 17 languages from 43 countries on a single platform. Nearly 500 authors and experts on co-operatives. 100 years of history. Extensive collections that are in constant evolution. Advertises that it is largest co-op collection in the world. Centred around collections from

International Cooperatives Alliance

The Alliance Resource Library hosts over 430 internationally-oriented co-operative resources: annual reports (World Co-operative Monitor), videos, declarations, statements, images, newsletters, presentations, training and education, and alliance position papers.  Resources can be found in English, Spanish, and French.


90 videos that range from 30 seconds to 90 minutes in length featuring interviews, seminars and presentations, lectures, etc.   Topics cover worker and housing co-operatives, collectives, anarchism, community land trusts, alternative economies, and ideas to be learned from history.  Videos are predominantly English, with some Spanish.

L.A. Coop Lab

The L.A. Co-op Lab Resources for Training & Education page links out to 41 resources divided by academies, colleges/universities, organizations, presentations, publications, and videos.  The main focus of this content is on worker co-ops.  English.